Fatty Tater Tang Sweet Mash

Fatty Tater Tang Sweet Mash
(Serves 6 to 8 poor fat vegans )

  12 medium-small potatoes (~3lbs)
    1/2 bottle of spicy hot horse radish (125ml) [or alternatively, 1 tube (~40g) of wasabi paste]
    4 stalks of green onion
    1 can of cream corn (398ml)
    1 cup of fat vegan margarine
    1/2 cup of almond milk
1) Gently wash and peel the potatoes with care, and then suddenly slice in twain in an act of unprovoked vegetable violence.
2) Boil the potato parts in your vegan cauldron until soft (50-60 mins)
3) Strain away the water, and proceed to mash the potatoes, adding margarine.
4) You have weak vegan forearms, but continue mashing, adding 125ml of spicy hot horse radish.
5) Mash, Mash, Mash, until you are lost in the sight, sounds, and smells of the off-white spicy surf of starch, then and add fresh diced green onions.
6) Take a break. Admire the random dispersion of green among the semi-solid sea of white. Ok, that's long enough. Now mash in that half cup of almond milk.
7) Mash in a can of sweet cream corn. Or rather, the contents of the can. Don't bother mashing the can. It's vegan, but inedible. Recycle it.
8) Mash until you can't mash no more. Then, further whip to desired consistency.


  1. Liz here - I substituted about a cup of oil (flax/olive) for the Margarine, added 2 tsp's of salt and some toasted garlic, and added water instead of creamed corn (which I lacked) and it was still PRETTY DELISH.


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