Mac n Cheese Casserole

Mac n cheese.  The ultimate comfort food.  This recipe is soups 'fancy' and worth every minute of makin' it.

 2 medium onions diced
6 cloves of garlic minced
1/4 cup vegan margarine
2 cups almond milk
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 pkg silken tofu
2 tbsp pepper (white)
2 tbsp salt
2 cups of daiya
1 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp cumin
1/3 cup chipotle*

3 cup cooked macaroni
1 cup cherry tomatoes (halved)
1 cup broccoli (chopped)
1 cup kale (or spinach) chiffonaded

1/8 cup pancho crumbs (bread crumbs)
1/8 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 cup daiya cheese (optional)

In a medium sized pot on medium heat fry onions and garlic with oil, occasionally stirring for 15-20 minutes.  Combine apple cider vinegar with almond milk, and blend with silken tofu.  Add margarine to frying onions and garlic, once melted add almond milk mixture.  Combine all of the seasoning with daiya, consistently stirring until daiya has melted and your sauce is smooth.  Remove from heat.

Preheat over to 350C.  In a large casserole dish, combine cooked macaroni, cherry tomatoes, broccoli and kale(or spinach).  Pour sauce over top, making sure everything is evenly coated.  (You can combine your dry ingredients with the sauce in the pot then transfer your mixture to a casserole dish as well, the pot I used was not large enough)  Combine your topping ingredients and coat your casserole evenly.  Baked for 25 minutes, let sit for 5 minutes before serving.

Protip #1:  I grabbed a can of chipotles and blended them with equal part water and a little bit of oil until smooth to create a sauce that is delicious for everything.  Of course, you don't have to use this.  Valentina's hot sauce works, just be careful if you are substituting with something like Sriracha.  I've never done it myself(though I know it would be delicious) but try using a smaller amount if that is the case, and tasting to add.
Protip #2:  Soy or rice milk can be used in place of almond if there is an allergy.  I've never tried it with coconut, but I bet it would be delicious too.Mac n cheese.  The ultimate comfort food.  This recipe is soups 'fancy' and worth every minute of makin' it.


  1. This was delicious as the picture is disgusting. Where the hell did you get that pic. It looks like something you could order from "Bloaties Pizza Hog"


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